Search code examples

Alter Top 10 to equal 100 when rounded to 1 decimal place

I'm building a Top 10 for a report for some management information which ends with the following script:

IF @ReportType = 'SectorEQ'

/* Final Select with roll up for total per portfolio */
            CONVERT(VARCHAR, ReportingDate, 103)    AS ReportingDate
        ,   PortfolioID                             AS FundCode
        ,   PortfolioNme                            AS FundName

        ,   CASE 
                WHEN GROUPING_ID(ReportingDate, PortfolioID, PortfolioNme, Sector, [Rank], [Weight]) = 7 THEN 'Total'
                ELSE Sector
                END                                 AS Sector

        ,   CASE 
                WHEN GROUPING_ID(ReportingDate, PortfolioID, PortfolioNme, Sector, [Rank], [Weight]) = 7 THEN 102
                ELSE [Rank]
            END                                     AS [Rank]

        ,   CAST(SUM([Weight]) AS DECIMAL(22,1))    AS Percentage

    FROM @FinalOutputEQ_CS

    GROUP BY    ReportingDate
            ,   PortfolioID
            ,   PortfolioNme
            ,   Sector
            ,   [Rank]
            ,   [Weight] WITH ROLLUP

    HAVING GROUPING_ID(ReportingDate, PortfolioID, PortfolioNme, Sector, [Rank], [Weight]) IN (1,7)

    ORDER BY    ReportingDate
            ,   PortfolioID
            ,   [Rank]

As you will see, the percentage is rounded to 1 decimal place which can potentially cause rounding issues because the sum of the percentage to 1 decimal place could be less than or greater than 100, ie 100.1 or 99.9. What i need to do is to ensure that the rounded to 1 decimal place percentages all equal to 100.0.

What i would like to do is have a check to see that the sum of the rounded percentages is equal to 100.0, if it isn't then to take the Top 1 and minus the difference from its percentage.

I've had a few ideas as to how to do this, but i'm wondering what would be the best method to ensure this run quickly and efficiently without slowing the proc down?

EDIT: Example Table

ReportingDate   FundCode    FundName    Sector                   Rank   Percentage
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Consumer Discretionary      1   16.1
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Health Care                 2   13.8
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Information Technology      3   11.8
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Telecommunication Services  4   10.3
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Consumer Staples            5   10.1
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Industrials                 6   8.7
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Financials                  7   6.8
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Materials                   8   6.5
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Energy                      9   5.2
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Utilities                   10  0.7
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Cash and Bonds              101 10.1
28/02/2013  XXXXXXXX    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Total                       102 100.1


  • The only solution i could work out for this is to create the script below which basically summed up the detail to give a total. Then after my CTE i subtracted this from the top 1 and the total:

    IF @ReportType = 'SectorEQ'
        INSERT INTO @RoundingDifference
                ,   CAST(SUM([Weight])-100 AS DECIMAL(22,1)) AS [Weight]
            FROM @FinalOutputEQ_CS
            WHERE Sector <> 'Total'
            GROUP BY        
                ,   PortfolioID
                ,   PortfolioNme
    IF @ReportType = 'SectorEQ'
    /* Final Select with roll up for total per portfolio */
                CONVERT(VARCHAR, ReportingDate, 103)    AS ReportingDate
            ,   PortfolioID                             AS FundCode
            ,   PortfolioNme                            AS FundName
            ,   CASE 
                    WHEN GROUPING_ID(ReportingDate, PortfolioID, PortfolioNme, Sector, [Rank], [Weight]) = 7 THEN 'Total'
                    ELSE Sector
                    END                                 AS Sector
            ,   CASE 
                    WHEN GROUPING_ID(ReportingDate, PortfolioID, PortfolioNme, Sector, [Rank], [Weight]) = 7 THEN 102
                    ELSE [Rank]
                END                                     AS [Rank]
            ,   CAST(SUM([Weight]) AS DECIMAL(22,1))    AS Percentage
        FROM @FinalOutputEQ_CS
        GROUP BY    ReportingDate
                ,   PortfolioID
                ,   PortfolioNme
                ,   Sector
                ,   [Rank]
                ,   [Weight] WITH ROLLUP
        HAVING GROUPING_ID(ReportingDate, PortfolioID, PortfolioNme, Sector, [Rank], [Weight]) IN (1,7)
        ,   FundCode
        ,   FundName
        ,   Sector
        ,   [Rank]
        ,   CASE 
                WHEN [Rank]IN (1,102) THEN Percentage - RD.[Weight]
                ELSE Percentage
            END     AS Percentage
            INNER JOIN @RoundingDifference AS RD
            ON RD.PortfolioID = CTE.FundCode
        ORDER BY    ReportingDate
                ,   FundCode
                ,   [Rank]