Based on this answer Get the subdomain from a URL, I am trying to use that will use Public Suffix List from to get subdomain and domain for managing my cookie collection.
In the current moment, Domainname-parser is the only .NET code I found in the internet that implement list from
In order to use Domainname-parser I want to make a changes to the source code so that it would be able to:
So it will become more usable and always updated. (2) and (3) would not be a problem but (1) is my focus now.
The current Domainname-parser is v1.0, build to use .NET 3.5 that using Linq in the code. To make it compatible to .NET 2.0, I need to convert the Linq codes to non-Linq and it makes me to understand the Public Suffix List rules. That is Normal, Wildcard and Exception rule. However I don't have knowledge about Linq and how it can be converted back to the normal way.
Converter tools might be useful but the better is I review and modify it line by line.
Now my question is how can I convert it? Eg codes from FindMatchingTLDRule method in DomainNames class:
// Try to match an wildcard rule:
var wildcardresults = from test in TLDRulesCache.Instance.TLDRuleList
test.Name.Equals(checkAgainst, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
test.Type == TLDRule.RuleType.Wildcard
and also this:
var results = from match in ruleMatches
orderby match.Name.Length descending
select match;
What is the simple guide line to follow? or any free tools to convert this one sentence above to the normal C# codes in .NET 2.0.?
I believe that no database involved, just in the way they deals with collections.
I also trying to contact the domainname-parser owner to improve the codes and help me to solve this.
Thanks to Jon Skeet that really helps me. It works very well and all UnitTest passed successfully.
Here I want to share the answer to anybody want to use Domainname-parser in .NET 2.0
// Try to match an exception rule:
var exceptionresults = from test in TLDRulesCache.Instance.TLDRuleList
test.Name.Equals(checkAgainst, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
test.Type == TLDRule.RuleType.Exception
// Try to match an wildcard rule:
var wildcardresults = from test in TLDRulesCache.Instance.TLDRuleList
test.Name.Equals(checkAgainst, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
test.Type == TLDRule.RuleType.Wildcard
// Try to match a normal rule:
var normalresults = from test in TLDRulesCache.Instance.TLDRuleList
test.Name.Equals(checkAgainst, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
test.Type == TLDRule.RuleType.Normal
into this:
List<TLDRule> exceptionresults = MatchRule(TLDRulesCache.Instance.TLDRuleList, checkAgainst, TLDRule.RuleType.Exception);
List<TLDRule> wildcardresults = MatchRule(TLDRulesCache.Instance.TLDRuleList, checkAgainst, TLDRule.RuleType.Wildcard);
List<TLDRule> normalresults = MatchRule(TLDRulesCache.Instance.TLDRuleList, checkAgainst, TLDRule.RuleType.Normal);
private static List<TLDRule> MatchRule(List<TLDRule> rules, string checkAgainst, TLDRule.RuleType ruleType)
List<TLDRule> matchedResult = new List<TLDRule>();
foreach (TLDRule rule in rules)
if (rule.Name.Equals(checkAgainst, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
&& rule.Type == ruleType)
return matchedResult;
// Sort our matches list (longest rule wins, according to :
var results = from match in ruleMatches
orderby match.Name.Length descending
select match;
// Take the top result (our primary match):
TLDRule primaryMatch = results.Take(1).SingleOrDefault();
into this
TLDRule primaryMatch = null;
if (ruleMatches.Count > 0)
// match2 CompareTo match1 (reverse order) to make the descending
ruleMatches.Sort(delegate(TLDRule match1, TLDRule match2) { return match2.Name.Length.CompareTo(match1.Name.Length); });
primaryMatch = ruleMatches[0];
IEnumerable<TLDRule> lstTLDRules = from ruleString in lstTLDRuleStrings
!ruleString.StartsWith("//", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
!(ruleString.Trim().Length == 0)
select new TLDRule(ruleString);
into this
List<TLDRule> lstTLDRules = ListTLDRule(lstTLDRuleStrings);
private static List<TLDRule> ListTLDRule(List<string> lstTLDRuleStrings)
List<TLDRule> lstTLDRule = new List<TLDRule>();
foreach (string ruleString in lstTLDRuleStrings)
if (!ruleString.StartsWith("//", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
!(ruleString.Trim().Length == 0))
lstTLDRule.Add(new TLDRule(ruleString));
return lstTLDRule;
Some others is a small things like:
List<string> lstDomainParts = domainString.Split('.').ToList<string>();
change to:
List<string> lstDomainParts = new List<string>(domainString.Split('.'));
and removing .ToList() like in
"var exceptionresults" will be use exceptionresults.ToList() to get the List. Since "var exceptionresults" change to "List exceptionresults" .ToList() should be removed.