I'm attempting to do something that ought to be simple in Powershell, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. I have a log file that looks like this:
item1:some text 1:more junk I don't care about.
item2:some text 2:more junk I don't care about.
item3:some text 3:more junk I don't care about.
I want to use Powershell to split on the ":", grab the first two items, and then somehow convert the result into something that I can pipe to Format-Table. The end result would be output like this:
Column A Column B
-------- --------
item1 some text 1
item2 some text 2
item3 some text 3
I am by no means, a Powershell expert, so please feel free to clean-up my code. This is what I currently have (I've tried several variations):
Get-Content C:\Temp\test.log | %{
$data = $_.split(":");
$hashString = 'a = ' + $data[0] + " `n b = " + $data[1];
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $hashString
} | ft @{Label="Column A"; Expression={$_.a}}, @{Label="Column B"; Expression={$_.b}} -auto
Thanks in advance.
I would use Import-Csv for that... :)
Import-Csv -Path your.log -Delimiter : -Header ColumnA, ColumnB
You can use any char as delimiter, including colon.