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Disable Parent Window after open.window

I want to link to an amazon music preview player as an popup from my site. I have this code:

<a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'popper','scrollbars=1,width=900,height=600'); return false;" onkeypress=",'popper','scrollbars=1,width=900,height=600'); return false;">Link</a>

My Problem is, when I click on the Album Cover in the Amazon Popup, my parent site with the link refreshs with the target Amazon url. When I open the Popup URL by typing the url in the adressbar and then click on the cover, a new window is opend with the target url (this is what I want to force).

Is it possible to don't pass the parent relation with the link popup window?


  • I solved my Problem using something like this:

    Open a local popup.php from my site with JS while passing amazonurl as var.

    <a onkeypress=",'popup','scrollbars=1,width=900,height=600'); return false;" onclick=",'popper','scrollbars=1,width=900,height=600'); return false;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="[...]">Link</a>

    In popup.php I use

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">  
    window.opener = null; window.location.href = "<?php echo $_GET['amazonurl']; ?>;</script> 

    To make windpw.opener = null and then refresh the popup with the amazon URL.