I am using web harvest. However, I want to scrape data from the URL:
My code is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<var-def name="google">
<http url="http://derstandard.at/anzeiger/immoweb/Suchergebnis.aspx?Regionen=9&Bezirke=&Arten=&AngebotTyp=×tamp=1363305908912"></http>
However I get:
Reference to the entity Bezirke has to end with an ';'
I do not understand what is meant by web harvest, with the ';'?
I don't know too much about web-harvesting, but their example has this:
<xpath expression="//a[@shape='rect']/@href">
<http url="http://www.somesite.com/"/>
<http url =".." />
Whereas your code has
<http url = ".."></http>
Maybe this is your problem? No need for closing tag