When I click on html files in explorer the preview pane currently tries to render the html for the preview. I'd like the behavior to just show me the text without interpreting the tags. Is there a way to do this by messing with the registry or changing a setting somewhere?
Alright, I ended up figuring how to do this. What was posted above was close but not quite as that was having me edit the wrong values. The PreviewConfig utility was trying to change the wrong key as well but couldn't since it was locked. I ended up going through a long process to enable editing of the locked registry key which is when I realized that was the wrong place.
If you want to have the preview pane show plain text for HTML files instead of rendering it, open the registry editor and go to:
Edit the Default key and replace the value with {1531d583-8375-4d3f-b5fb-d23bbd169f22}
and you should be set.