I am exploring the use of table valued parameters in stored procedures to do multiple inserts in a single call to the database.
The table value parameter contains information that, more or less, reflects the definition of the table I want to insert into. It is only missing the ID column.
If I have the following table definition:
Create Table Product
ProductID int,
ProductName varchar(100),
ProductDesc varchar(4000),
ProductCost int
Type definition:
Create Type ProductTable as Table
ProductName varchar(100),
ProductDesc varchar(4000),
ProductCost int
and stored procedure definition:
Create Procedure usp_Product_Insert
@Products ProductTable READONLY
INSERT Product
(Select ISNULL(Max(ProductID),0) + 1 From Product),
@Products P
How do I alter what I have to insert unique id's if there is more than one set of data in my parameter?
Right now, if I run the following statement
Truncate Table Product
Declare @Products ProductTable
Insert @Products Values ('Playstation', 'Game Console', 300)
exec usp_Product_InsertUpdate_WithOutput @Products
through the stored procedure with no previous records in the table, I get
ProductID ProductName ProductDesc ProductCost
1 Playstation Game Console 300
But if I run more than one record through
Truncate Table Product
Declare @Products ProductTable
Insert @Products Values
('Playstation', 'Game Console', 300),
('Xbox', 'Game Console', 200),
('Wii', 'Game Console', 150)
exec usp_Product_InsertUpdate_WithOutput @Products
I get
ProductID ProductDesc ProductDesc ProductCost
1 Playstation Game Console 300
1 Xbox Game Console 200
1 Wii Game Console 150
What I would like to see is
ProductID ProductDesc ProductDesc ProductCost
1 Playstation Game Console 300
2 Xbox Game Console 200
3 Wii Game Console 150
How can I accomplish this efficiently without using identity?
You can't. And should not even try.
Business define business keys.
Developers define surrogate keys.
What you want is a surrogate key, so use an IDENTITY
If your business defines surrogate keys, then your duty is to teach them they should not do so.