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IE7 and display block on HTML strict

I'm having difficulties with an image taking extra space although it is set to display:block in css. This is only happening on IE7. The problem is solved when I remove all spaces between the tags in the HTML code, but this is not a suitable solution.

I have heard of some IE7 hacks like setting a fixed width/height and the following css:


But this didn't work for me (maybe because I am using XHTML strict).

The page I am working on is the following:

The top image is an image that is set as display: block and a div with blue background follows.

Link to image:

Hoping for some useful help...


  • Since you're using XHTML, I'm assuming you want your markup to be semantic. So technically /siteimages/forms/bottom.jpg and /siteimages/forms/top.jpg aren't images that have any meaning, compared to say the photo of the people. Since it's just a decoration, so why not style them using background CSS property and apply them to your <div> containers to achieve the same effect?


    .roundedTopBar {
        padding-top: 10px;
        background: transparent url('/siteimages/forms/top.jpg') 0 0 no-repeat;
    .roundedBottomBar {
        padding-bottom: 10px;
        background: transparent url('/siteimages/forms/bottom.jpg') 0 100% no-repeat;
    <div class="half2 roundedTopBar">
       <div class="roundedBottomBar">
          <div class="formsContainer">

    Added: If you did want to know how accomplish what your question originally asked for, the solution is to not use display: inline-block because IE 7 mucks it up. Use float: left; clear: both; display: block; and make sure you clear your floats in the parent container.

    Eg. This is the snippet from your website, I added newCSS to namespace the new stuff I added, you can use whatever selector names you'd think suitable


    .newCSS .clearFloat{
        overflow: hidden;
        width: auto;
    .newCSS .inlineBlock {
        clear: both;
        display: block;
        float: left;


    <div class="half2 clearFloat newCSS">
        <img src="" width="441"
        height="12" class="block inlineBlock" alt=""/>
        <div class="formsContainer block inlineBlock">
            <div class="formsInnerContainer" style="height:474px">
            form was here
        <img src="" class="block inlineBlock" alt=""/>

    See fiddle:

    If you're viewing on IE7 (it doesn't like jsFiddle):