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Open Web Analytics with Node.JS web applicaiton. Getting Error 'TypeError: doc is null'

Scenario: For a running web applications running on Node.js, we are integrating the OpenWebAnalytics.

Issue: In firebug it shows the error as follows

TypeError: doc is null
[Break On This Error]   


At the line no 168 in the file named owa.tracker.combined.min.js

Method source code:

 getIframeDocument: function (iframe) {
        var doc = null;
        if (iframe.contentDocument) {
            doc = iframe.contentDocument;
        } else if (iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document) {
            doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
        } else if (iframe.document) {
            doc = iframe.document;
        if (doc == null) {
            OWA.debug("Document not found, append the parent element to the DOM before creating the IFrame");
        };  // TypeError: doc is null
        return doc;

Question: Can anyone know the solution for this kind of issues?

Advance Thanks for great help


  • I have ran into the same issue while configuring open web analytics in my application. Problem may be baseUrl which your are mentioned in the javascript snippet

    Eg: Incorrect var owa_baseUrl = 'http://yourdomain/path/to/owa';

    correct: var owa_baseUrl = 'http://yourdomain/path/to/owa/';

    Double check the javascript snippet embedded in the html file.