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Explain handling DBNull?

I have a nullable DateTime field "BirthDate" the existing code was handeling this in such a way

info.BirthDate = (DateTime?)reader["Birthdate"];

This causes an "Invalid Cast" error and it breaks. Ok, I understand this is because nulls are returned differently from sql and are of the type "DBNull"

Fix for this turned out to be

if (reader["Birthdate"] != DBNull.Value)
    info.Birthdate = (DateTime)reader["Birthdate"];

Can someone explain why exactly this works?..I'm particularly lost on the .Value part of DBNull. If it IS returning as DBNull how does the code even reach inside this block?


  • DBNull is a singleton. There is only one instance of it. You access this instance with DBNull.Value. The comparison checks if DBNull(.Value) is returned and if it is not returned (!=) then it knows it can safely cast it to a DateTime.

    From MSDN:

    DBNull is a singleton class, which means only this instance of this class can exist.

    Alternatively you could use the Convert.IsDBNull method:

    if (!Convert.IsDBNull(reader["Birthdate"]))
        info.Birthdate = (DateTime)reader["Birthdate"];