Say I have the following GADT AST:
data O a b c where
Add :: O a a a
Eq :: O a b Bool
--... more operations
data Tree a where
N :: (O a b c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c
L :: a -> Tree a
Now I want to construct a function that replaces all L
(eave)s of type a
in the Tree, something like this:
f :: a -> Tree b -> Tree b
f x (L a) | typeof x == typeof a = L x
f x (L a) = L a
f x (N o a b) = N o (f x a) (f x b)
Would it be possible to construct such a function? (using classes maybe?) Could it be done if changes are made to the GADTs?
I already have a typeof function: typeof :: a -> Type
within a class.
The trick is to use type witnesses:
data O a b c where
Add :: O a a a
Eq :: O a b Bool
instance Show (O a b c) where
show Add = "Add"
show Eq = "Eq"
data Tree a where
T :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c) => (O a b c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c
L :: a -> Tree a
instance (Show a) => Show (Tree a) where
show (T o a b) = "(" ++ (show o) ++ " " ++ (show a) ++ " " ++ (show b) ++ ")"
show (L a) = (show a)
class (Show a) => Typeable a where
witness :: a -> Witness a
instance Typeable Int where
witness _ = IntWitness
instance Typeable Bool where
witness _ = BoolWitness
data Witness a where
IntWitness :: Witness Int
BoolWitness :: Witness Bool
dynamicCast :: Witness a -> Witness b -> a -> Maybe b
dynamicCast IntWitness IntWitness a = Just a
dynamicCast BoolWitness BoolWitness a = Just a
dynamicCast _ _ _ = Nothing
replace :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> b -> b
replace a b = case dynamicCast (witness a) (witness b) a of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> b
f :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => b -> Tree a -> Tree a
f x (L a) = L $ replace x a
f x (T o a b) = T o (f x a) (f x b)