I would like to override the "next" and "previous" buttons of the pagingtoolbar in Extjs 4. When I click "next," I would like to fetch 50 records using a web service.
You can use the override function:
Ext.define('Override.toolbar.Paging', {
override : 'Ext.toolbar.Paging',
moveNext : function(){
var me = this,
total = me.getPageData().pageCount,
next = me.store.currentPage + 1;
if (next <= total) {
if (me.fireEvent('beforechange', me, next) !== false) {
moveLast : function(){
var me = this,
last = me.getPageData().pageCount;
if (me.fireEvent('beforechange', me, last) !== false) {
An alternative is that you make a listener for the beforechange
event and return false in that function, and implement your own logic there.