I do update to a texture2D in OpenGL 4.0 using gltexSubImage2D().The texture has mipmaps auto generated using
My texture update was failing till I understood I had to regenerate mipmaps on update too (or remove mipmaps generation).Then I read this wiki where there is a usage of glTexStorage2D when generating mipmaps.I actually never paid attention to this method.So I wonder if I have to use it every time I generate a texture with mipmaps?
Update :
I see from the method specs that it
specifies the storage requirements for all levels of a two-dimensional texture or one-dimensional texture array simultaneously
I guess using it should improve the performance when generating mipmaps?Is it true?
Before there was glTexStorage, each mipmap level had to be initialized by a separate call to glTexImage. glTexImage triggers a lot of complex internal state changes, which are rather expensive. Every time glTexImage is called, the layout of the texture object is altered.
Hence you try to avoid using it, if possible. As you discovered, you must first initialize all desired mipmap levels before you can update them by glTexSubImage. glGenerateMipmap will create them, which introduce layout changes, which is, yes, expensive.
glTexStorage initializes the whole texture object once for a desired, immutable format. Yes, using glTexStorage improves performance when used together wigh glGenerateMipmap or data updates by glTexSubImage, but the improvements happen very early at texture object creation, and not so much when its data is changed.