If you want to only take a part of a string, the substring method is mostly used. This has a drawback that you must first test on the length of the string to avoid errors. For example you want to save data into a database, and want to cut off a value to the first 20 characters.
If you do temp.substring(0,20) but temp only holds 10 chars, an exception is thrown.
There are 2 solutions that I see :
use the extension method Take
string temp = "1234567890";
var data= new string( temp.Take(20).ToArray());
--> data now holds "1234657890"
Is there any disadvantage in terms of speed or memory use , when one uses the Take method. The benefit is that you do not have to write all those if statements.
If you find yourself doing this a lot, why not write an extension method?
For example:
using System;
namespace Demo
public static class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static class StringExt
public static string Left(this string @this, int count)
if (@this.Length <= count)
return @this;
return @this.Substring(0, count);