i have this problem: i want execute a command freeradius from the instruction php exec(), but it doesn't work. the code is simple:
exec('radzap -x -N localhost secret');
If I run the code in the shell work, but into the script php doeesn't work, other instructions like 'ls' ,'cd' and the other 'classical' commando work. I utilize Fedora, maybe i don't have the permissions how user 'Apache' to utilize the dictionary Freeradius.
Sorry for my english, any suggestions? Thank
Update: the error is:
dict_init: Couldn't open dictionary "/etc/raddb/dictionary": Permission denied
Ok, i found the error (maybe), selinux don't permict the execution of this instruction, if i set selinix permessive work, if is enable doesn't work. It's work finally, i changed the file's permissions for user Httpd and the instruction go.
The problem isn't just that the command is failing, but it's that you don't know how it's failing. exec()
doesn't give you a whole lot of information by itself, so you'll need to capture the command output (including standard error):
$output = array();
$retcode = 0;
exec('radzap -x -N localhost secret 2>&1', $output, $retcode);
echo "Return code: $retcode\n";
This gives you the command's return code and output, allowing you to see why the command is failing. There are too many possible problems to give you a specific answer.
Having said that, the most common reason for commands failing is that the binary can't be found, due to the $PATH environment variable. Try specifying the absolute path to radzap
in exec, e.g. /usr/bin/radzap