We represent MinValue of DateTime as DateTime.MinValue but how is it represented for Byte[]?
When I gave the below,
DALImage.TwinImage = Convert.IsDBNull(reader["TwinImage"]) ?
Byte[].MinValue :
Please Help as am a newbie to C# programming
An array of bytes doesn't have a minimum value - it doesn't make sense as a concept. It's like asking "What's the minimum value of a shopping list".
I think what you are trying to do is get an empty Byte array.
DALImage.TwinImage = Convert.IsDBNull(reader["TwinImage"]) ?
new Byte[0] :
EDIT: Your comment suggests that what you actually want is a byte array with 1 element in it, where that element is the minimum value of a byte.
That would be the following code:
DALImage.TwinImage = Convert.IsDBNull(reader["TwinImage"]) ?
new Byte[1] { Byte.MinValue } :
However, this could also be written using default, which is probably semantically cleaner.
DALImage.TwinImage = Convert.IsDBNull(reader["TwinImage"]) ?
new Byte[1] { default(Byte) } :