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Drools Planner: Planner not providing expected result based on Best Score

I have tried posting on the user forum for Drools, but haven't been getting any responses (I am sure they are just busy), so I am hoping to attract a wider audience here.

I am very confused by the results I am getting as they seem to not be providing me with the "best score". Here is some of the log output:

[construction steps] 
2013-03-13 08:00:08,305 [com....] INFO  Phase constructionHeuristic ended: step total (60), time spend (2222), best score (-200hard/-2780soft). 
[local search steps] 
2013-03-13 08:00:21,807 [com....] INFO  Phase localSearch ended: step total (42), time spend (15724), best score (0hard/-2495soft). 
2013-03-13 08:00:21,807 [com....] INFO  Solving ended: time spend (15724), best score (0hard/-2495soft), average calculate count per second (3748). 

However, the results it gives me back contains a broken hard constraint (even though the log clearly states "Solving ended: time spend (15724), best score (0hard/-2495soft)") - it is giving me a result with score -200hard/-2495soft (which appears to be the hard score of the construction phase and the soft score of the local search phase). Is this how it is supposed to be? Did I miss something in the manual (I have read it, but I haven't digested it completely)?

Here is most of my solver config (just the potentially relevant portion):




Thanks in advance!

Edit: Here is a little more information that might be helpful... As stated above, it says my best (Hard) score is 0, but the solution it gives me contains a Hard constraint violation. I added some code to printout the constraints (using DroolsScoreDirector to get to the WorkingMemory and ultimately the ConstraintOccurrences)... this printout shows a hard constraint as well.

ConstraintType: NEGATIVE_HARD, RuleID: endLocationMustMatchStartLocation, Causes:...


  • Most likely, your cloneSolution() method is corrupted (or the entity.clone() methods it calls). Double check those methods.

    In Drools Planner 6.0, you won't need to implement that cloning method.