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TFS 2012 - binary files are not generated when using automatic build

I am newbie to TFS. I am trying to automate process of build upon checking in the code in TFS. I setup a Controller and an Agent. I created a new build definition and set a "build" and "drop" folder on c:. I check in the code, expecting to see the generated dll files in "drop" folders. There's none, just "logs" folder. The "binaries" folder in "build" folder is also empty. Apparently the binaries are not being generated at all. How can I have MSBuild to generate the dll files? They are generated when I compile the website locally on my development machine under "bin\" folder. The solution is comprised of two separate projects: "core" and "web" where "core" is referenced within "web". Any thoughts?


  • What is the Summary showing of your build that ran? Or are there errors in your build? You can check the log of the build by opening the build in Visual Studio and then click View Log.