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how to make proper selection through <xsl:value-of> tag?

following is my xml code:

<title>world health organization</title>who</abbr>
was founded in 1948. 

in above code i want xslt output as:

<abbr title="world health organisation">who<abbr>

i wrote following XSLT code:

<xsl:template match ="abbr">
&lt;abbr title="<xsl:value-of select ="title"/>"&gt;
<xsl:value-of select ="."/>&lt;/abbr&gt;

and i got:

<abbr title="world health organization">
world health organizationwho</abbr>

where did i go wrong?

the output of

<xsl:value-of select"."/> 


world health organisationwho

(world health organisation + who)

now, i dont want the first part. how can i accomplish this?


  • Since title is a child of abbr, title's text is part of the string value of abbr. Please try this:

    <xsl:template match ="abbr">
      <abbr title="{title}">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="text()"/>

    Incidentally, are you using xsl:output method="text" in your XSLT? If you are using XSLT to produce XML, then you should use method="xml". That's what XSLT was made for.