I have a Report where I need to Hide Duplicates but unfortunately I now have white space in the Returned Data where the Duplicate Records used to be.
How do I remedy this so my Report doesn't look so unprofessional?
I have searched the internet and found answers for hiding rows where there is no data, but in my report there is data that I don't want to show. I would just take it out of the Query but the way the Tables are set up that is not an option.
EDIT I am working with a Tablix, there is no ConsumeContainerWhitespace property that I have been able to find. this is not a case of an extra page being added at the end of the report on Export. I have blank spaces in between records.
=iif(Fields!CaseNbr.Value = Previous(Fields!CaseNbr.Value), True, False)
that is the code that I have written into the Hidden Property under Visibility in the Properties Section of The Row of Placeholders for my Data. this leaves empty Cells in the table of information where the duplicate information is being hidden.
My Table looks like this:
Name Title
Malione Programmer
Manny Watchman
The answer to your question can be found here.
You are likely entering your expression in the text visibility properties instead of the row group visibility. Using the row group will remove the entire row, text and white space.