I'm using GKSession, GKSessionDelegate
to implement peer to peer bluetooth connectivity between a number of iX (iPod, iPad, iPhone, ...) devices. I want to display a list of the currently available/connected devices in range.
I'm currently relying on
- (void)session:(GKSession *)session peer:(NSString *)peerID didChangeState:(GKPeerConnectionState)state
to do this. Unfortunately, this method does not appear to be reliably called when a device goes out of range. Is there a "better" way to determine if a device is in range?
Some code:
- (void)session:(GKSession *)session peer:(NSString *)peerID didChangeState:(GKPeerConnectionState)state {
NSString* connectionStateString=
// Add the peer to the Dictionary
NSArray* details=[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[session displayNameForPeer:peerID],connectionStateString,nil];
[connectionPeers setObject:details forKey:peerID];
if (state == GKPeerStateAvailable) {
NSLog(@"Adding peerID:%@",peerID);
[session connectToPeer:peerID withTimeout:60];//'connect' to everything, so data can be sent
else if (state == GKPeerStateUnavailable || state==GKPeerStateDisconnected) {
[connectionPeers removeObjectForKey:peerID];
[self listPlayers];
GKSession is built on Bonjour over Bluetooth and I believe that your problem is that the bonjour service is still showing as active since Bonjour doesn't invalidate service advertisements when a peer has disconnected from the network. I think the mDNS records only expire either when the mDNS cache timeout occurs ( not something you can tweak ) or when the advertising peer manually invalidates the service.
I don't think GKSession is going to easily do what you want here via advertisement. Connected peers should however disconnect once they're out of Bluetooth range.