I have a list of strings
string[] arr = new string[] { "hello world", "how are you", "what is going on" };
and I need to check if the string I give uses every word in one of the strings in arr
so let's say I have
string s = "hello are going on";
it would be a match because all of the words in s
are in one of the strings in arr
string s = "hello world man"
this one would not be a match because "man" is not in any of the strings in arr
I know how to write a "longer" method to do this but is there a nice linq query that I can write?
string[] arr = new string[] { "hello world", "how are you", "what is going on" };
string s = "hello are going on";
string s2 = "hello world man";
bool bs = s.Split(' ').All(word => arr.Any(sentence => sentence.Contains(word)));
bool bs2 = s2.Split(' ').All(word => arr.Any(sentence => sentence.Contains(word)));