Can you help me on adding of both text and image to the cell list cell in mgwt I did only for text,but failing to place both text and image.waiting for your valuable response.
In a cell you can use whatever markup you want to use. This is no different from GWT standard cell widgets and their cells.
This is a basic example taken from the mgwt showcase and modified to include an img tag in the markup:
public abstract class BasicCell<T> implements Cell<T> {
private static Template TEMPLATE = GWT.create(Template.class);
public interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
@SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<div>{0} <img src="{1}"/></div>")
SafeHtml content(String text, String imgUrl);
public void render(SafeHtmlBuilder safeHtmlBuilder, final T model) {
safeHtmlBuilder.append(TEMPLATE.content("text", "someUrl.jgp"));
public abstract String getDisplayString(T model);
public boolean canBeSelected(T model) {
return false;