I've successfully used Specs2 to test serialization to a file, but the test uses a real file (written to /tmp/). I'd rather not touch disk just for a test. Is there a way to use a mocked file?
def serializeAndDeserializeFromDatafile[X <: CaseClass : Manifest](old: X, maybeGrater: Option[AvroGrater[X]] = None): X = {
val g = maybeGrater.getOrElse(grater[X])
//val outfile = mock[File]
val outfile = new File("/tmp/file1.avro")
g.serializeToDataFile(outfile, old) //Serialize to file
val infile = outfile
g.asObjectFromDataFile(infile) //Deserialize from file
I tried using Mockito to mock my outfile
(the commented-out line above). In my naive attempt, I can create the Mock for File, hashCode: 1583021903
, but it seems to be null
when I try to serialize.
I think I'm missing a 'stub' of some sort, but I can't find any examples that are similar enough to suggest a solution. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a program (an autonomous written using Akka) that deals extensively in file system operations. I wrote it using ScalaIO (rather than native Java library java.io._
classes). ScalaIO includes, among other things, the RamFileSystem
which allows you to mock file system contents and operations in ways that mirror real file system operations without involving file-system and I/O system calls.