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Can I use a mock File in my Specs2 test for writing to a file? If so, How?

I've successfully used Specs2 to test serialization to a file, but the test uses a real file (written to /tmp/). I'd rather not touch disk just for a test. Is there a way to use a mocked file?

def serializeAndDeserializeFromDatafile[X <: CaseClass : Manifest](old: X, maybeGrater: Option[AvroGrater[X]] = None): X = {
val g = maybeGrater.getOrElse(grater[X])

//val outfile = mock[File]
val outfile = new File("/tmp/file1.avro")   

g.serializeToDataFile(outfile, old)  //Serialize to file

val infile = outfile
g.asObjectFromDataFile(infile)       //Deserialize from file 

I tried using Mockito to mock my outfile(the commented-out line above). In my naive attempt, I can create the Mock for File, hashCode: 1583021903, but it seems to be null when I try to serialize.

I think I'm missing a 'stub' of some sort, but I can't find any examples that are similar enough to suggest a solution. Any help would be appreciated.


  • I have a program (an autonomous written using Akka) that deals extensively in file system operations. I wrote it using ScalaIO (rather than native Java library classes). ScalaIO includes, among other things, the RamFileSystem which allows you to mock file system contents and operations in ways that mirror real file system operations without involving file-system and I/O system calls.