Could you help me to achieve the following
I have this SQL output table
DateWeek Keep_1 This_1 Order_1 Keep_2 This_2 Order_2 Keep_1-Keep_2 This_1-This_2 Order_1-Order_2 1/1/2013 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 3
and turn it into
RowOrder Column_1 Column_2 Column_1-Column_2 Keep 9 6 3 This 8 5 3 Order 7 4 3
As you see I have to keep the order in the rows, so I can not order alphabetically. Also I have to stack the Keep_1 This_1 Order_1
together and Keep_2 This_2 Order_2
also together and operate Column_1
with Column_2
Any ideas how to achieve this?
If you are using SQL Server 2008+, then you can use CROSS APPLY
select c.roworder,
from yourtable t
cross apply
('Keep', Keep_1, Keep_2, Keep_1_Keep_2),
('This', This_1, This_2, This_1_This_2),
('Order', Order_1, Order_2, Order_1_Order_2)
) c (roworder, col1, col2, col3)
See SQL Fiddle with Demo.
This can also be done using a UNION ALL
query in any database:
select 'Keep' RowOrder,
Keep_1 col1,
Keep_2 col2,
Keep_1_Keep_2 col3
from yourtable
union all
select 'This' RowOrder,
This_1 col1,
This_2 col2,
This_1_This_2 col3
from yourtable
union all
select 'Order' RowOrder,
Order_1 col1,
Order_2 col2,
Order_1_Order_2 col3
from yourtable