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Realistic simulated elevation data in R / Perlin noise

Does anyone know how to create a simulation raster elevation dataset - i.e. a 2d matrix of realistic elevation values - in R? R's jitter doesn't seem appropriate. In Java/Processing the noise() function achieves this with a Perlin noise algorithm e.g.:

size(200, 200);
float ns = 0.03; // for scaling
for (float i=0; i<200; i++) {
  for (float j=0; j<200; j++) {
    stroke(noise(i*ns, j*ns) * 255);
    point(i, j);

enter image description here

But I've found no references to Perlin noise in R literature. Thanks in advance.


  • Here is an implementation in R, following the explanations in

    perlin_noise <- function( 
      n = 5,   m = 7,    # Size of the grid for the vector field
      N = 100, M = 100   # Dimension of the image
    ) {
      # For each point on this n*m grid, choose a unit 1 vector
      vector_field <- apply(
        array( rnorm( 2 * n * m ), dim = c(2,n,m) ),
        function(u) u / sqrt(sum(u^2))
      f <- function(x,y) {
        # Find the grid cell in which the point (x,y) is
        i <- floor(x)
        j <- floor(y)
        stopifnot( i >= 1 || j >= 1 || i < n || j < m )
        # The 4 vectors, from the vector field, at the vertices of the square
        v1 <- vector_field[,i,j]
        v2 <- vector_field[,i+1,j]
        v3 <- vector_field[,i,j+1]
        v4 <- vector_field[,i+1,j+1]
        # Vectors from the point to the vertices
        u1 <- c(x,y) - c(i,j)
        u2 <- c(x,y) - c(i+1,j)
        u3 <- c(x,y) - c(i,j+1)
        u4 <- c(x,y) - c(i+1,j+1)
        # Scalar products
        a1 <- sum( v1 * u1 )
        a2 <- sum( v2 * u2 )
        a3 <- sum( v3 * u3 )
        a4 <- sum( v4 * u4 )
        # Weighted average of the scalar products
        s <- function(p) 3 * p^2 - 2 * p^3
        p <- s( x - i )
        q <- s( y - j )
        b1 <- (1-p)*a1 + p*a2
        b2 <- (1-p)*a3 + p*a4
        (1-q) * b1 + q * b2
      xs <- seq(from = 1, to = n, length = N+1)[-(N+1)]
      ys <- seq(from = 1, to = m, length = M+1)[-(M+1)]
      outer( xs, ys, Vectorize(f) )
    image( perlin_noise() )

    Perlin noise

    You can have a more fractal structure by adding those matrices, with different grid sizes.

    a <- .6
    k <- 8
    m <- perlin_noise(2,2,2^k,2^k)
    for( i in 2:k )
      m <- m + a^i * perlin_noise(2^i,2^i,2^k,2^k)
    m[] <- rank(m) # Histogram equalization

    Perlin noise, Sum with different grid sizes