I get this error on an NSMutableArray:
-[Not A Type release]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x1006e29c0
It happens on this line:
[_array removeAllObjects];
Now, I understand what the error means but not why it happens in this case.
I've added an NSLog right before the above line like so:
NSLog(@"%@", [_array class]);
And this executes normally and with the correct behavior, this is the log:
2013-03-13 11:19:27.366 App[66921:303] __NSArrayM
2013-03-13 11:19:27.367 App[66921:303] *** -[Not A Type release]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x1006e29c0
So right before removing it doesn't seem to be deallocated..
Even if I remove the removeAllObjects call and replace it with the below line, I still get the same error.
_array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
All I'm doing elsewhere in the code is calling [_array addObject:...]
_array is a strong property:
@property (strong) NSMutableArray *array;
The array is first initialized in the init method.
EDIT: I'm adding AXUIElementRefs to this array like so:
[_array addObject:(__bridge_transfer id)elementRef];
I thought the __bridge_transfer brings it over to ARC and I wouldn't need to manage any of that?
What could be the problem?
UPDATE: Here is a sample project: http://users.telenet.be/prullen/AXMemory.zip
This is a working project as I'm using __bridge and not __bridge_transfer.
This project contains a simple loop that does the same thing over and over again. This is to demonstrate that with just __bridge, the AXUIElementRefs never get released. They stay in memory. That's what I see in the Instruments profiler too. You can also see the memory usage increasing every few seconds via activity monitor.
The AXUIElementRefs were obtained via AXUIElementCopyMultipleAttributeValues - so I would assume that I would have ownership of them? Nevertheless, changing to __bridge_transfer results in the errors above.
If anyone could take a look at this and let me know what I'm doing wrong, that would be much appreciated.
I get an array of properties via the following statement: (line 60).
AXUIElementCopyMultipleAttributeValues(frontWindowRef, attributes,0,&attributeValues);
Line 110 I assign the AXUIElement (looping over the children array):
element = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(childrenArrayRef, i);
Line 112 is where I add the AXUIElementRef to the array:
[_array addObject:(__bridge id)(element)];
Line 36 is where I empty it if it's over 500 elements:
if ([_array count] > 500) {
[_array removeAllObjects];
You can't just assume that __bridge_transfer
"brings it over to ARC and [you] wouldn't need to manage any of that". You have to understand what rights and responsibilities you had for elementRef
at the time (which we can't tell from what you've written).
I find it's much easier to understand the bridge casts if you use the corresponding CFBridgingRetain()
and CFBridgingRelease()
functions. __bridge_transfer
is the same as CFBridgingRelease()
. So, the question is: do you own elementRef
at the time? Is it appropriate for you to release it?
Consider, would the following have been correct?
[_array addObject:(__bridge id)elementRef];
If not, then neither is __bridge_transfer
From the nature of the error you're getting, I strongly suspect you were not entitled to release elementRef
, so you were not entitled to tell ARC that it owns it and must release it. You have caused the AXUIElementRef
to be over-released. You should just have used a __bridge
cast – no "transfer" and no CF…Release()