How to validate a phone number (NSString *) by NSPredicate?
minimum 10 digits
maximum 10 digits
the first digit must be 7,8 or 9 Thanks
An NSPredicate
based on a regular expression will fit your requirements.
NSString *stringToBeTested = @"8123456789";
NSString *mobileNumberPattern = @"[789][0-9]{9}";
NSPredicate *mobileNumberPred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", mobileNumberPattern];
BOOL matched = [mobileNumberPred evaluateWithObject:stringToBeTested];
You don't need to keep the pattern in a string by itself, but regexes are complicated enough already so it makes the overall code clearer if you keep it out of the NSPredicate
format string.