I am trying to define a class inherited from another base-class in coffeescript and I am getting parse-error when compiling. Exyctly : Parse error on line 6: Unexpected ',' My code looks like :
class MedVisGraphNode
constructor : (@nodeId, @nodeLabel) ->
class MedVisGenericContainerNode extends MedVisGraphNode
constructor : (groupId, groupLabel, @groupType, @outerGroupNode) ->
super (groupId, groupLabel)
# method which determines if the actual group-node group lies in an another or sist on top of the hierarchy
isOnTopOfHierarchy = () ->
return @outerGroupNode == 'undefined'
The weird thing is when I try to compile a similar code taken from the web here :
class Animal
constructor : (@species, @isMammal=false) ->
class Dog extends Animal
constructor : (@name) ->
super ("canine",true)
toString : ->
"#{@name} is a #{@species}."
I am getting the same parse-error. I am very confused now, because i am not able to find what is going wrong, could please someone give me a small hint ?
Either don't use parentheses, or make sure there's no whitespace between it and super
super 'canine', true
// or
super('canine', true)