I am new to Nancy and .NET framework. here I am running in a panic situation.
I have written my own Bootstrapper
to enable CookieBasedSessions
in project.Here are tasks i have to perform.
in session.Then on each request verify the user in session
class Bootstrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
protected override void ApplicationStartup(TinyIoCContainer container, IPipelines pipelines)
base.ApplicationStartup(container, pipelines);
Here is my controller.
Post["/myapp/login"] = parameters =>
var model = new User();
model.UserName = this.Request.Form.userName;
model = manager.GetUser(model.UserName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.UserName) && model.isAdmin())
// var user = Request.Session["user"];
if (Request.Session["key"] != null) // Here i get the ERROR
Request.Session["key"] = model;
return Response.AsRedirect(HOME_URL);
return Response.AsRedirect(LOGIN_URL);
when I execute this code I am getting {"Session support is not enabled."}
Any help is appreciated.
It's not using your custom bootstrapper - make the class public and it will pick it up.