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Deploy Vosao in Capedwarf Beta 3

I get a lot of errors when trying to deploy Vosao in Capedwarf Beta 3:

Here's the complete log:

  • java.lang.LinkageError: Failed to link org/apache/velocity/tools/view/jsp/VelocityViewTag (Module "" from local module loader

Looks like CD can't locate the Apache Velocity dependency?

Anyway, I still tried accessing the context root:


I guess there was really a problem in the deployment.

How can I fix this error?


  • Do you use Velocity in your app?

    I would say yes, as it looks like it overlaps with CapeDwarf's Velocity usage - we use it to rended admin console.

    Try removing the Velocity libs.

    But I will also fix this in CapeDwarf, so the two libs won't overlap. Leaving you with your own version of Velocity then.