If I had a Json string with unknown number of Keys and values. How can I obtain all values into an array or object in c#?
In the following example I know there is "id" and "index" fields. What if I didn't know the Keys in the field?
In another context, What if the number of keys is large in number so that I Can't declare variables?
I deserialize the above Json like this. What about the two contexts mentioned above?
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
AllLiTags[] Tags = js.Deserialize<AllLiTags[]>(LiOrder);
public class AllLiTags
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Index { get; set; }
Either deserialize into a dictionary, or grab the nuget package Json.NET, (documentation) which is more oriented towards this kind of usage.
Deserializing into a dictionary would look like:
var tags = js.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>[]>(LiOrder);
string secondOrderIndex = tags[1]["index"];
You'd lose type information (numbers converted to strings, etc), and I doubt it would deal with nested objects.
Using Json.NET would look like:
var tags = JArray.Parse(LiOrder);
string secondOrderIndex = tags[1]["index"].GetValue<string>();
int idx = 0;
foreach (var order in tags) {
foreach (var prop in order) {
Console.WriteLine("Order {0}'s {1} property has value {2}",