I want to pass a list into function by value. By default, lists and other complex objects passed to function by reference. Here is some desision:
def add_at_rank(ad, rank):
result_ = copy.copy(ad)
.. do something with result_
return result_
Can this be written shorter? In other words, I wanna not to change ad.
You can use [:]
, but for list containing lists(or other mutable objects) you should go for copy.deepcopy()
is equivalent to list(lis)
or copy.copy(lis)
, and returns a shallow copy of the list.
In [33]: def func(lis):
print id(lis)
In [34]: lis = [1,2,3]
In [35]: id(lis)
Out[35]: 158354604
In [36]: func(lis[:])
When to use deepcopy()
In [41]: lis = [range(3), list('abc')]
In [42]: id(lis)
Out[42]: 158066124
In [44]: lis1=lis[:]
In [45]: id(lis1)
Out[45]: 158499244 # different than lis, but the inner lists are still same
In [46]: [id(x) for x in lis1] = =[id(y) for y in lis]
Out[46]: True
In [47]: lis2 = copy.deepcopy(lis)
In [48]: [id(x) for x in lis2] == [id(y) for y in lis]
Out[48]: False