Is Papertrail the only service of its class that allows you to react to a logged event via webhook?
A hosted logging solution is what i'm looking for like Splunk storm or Papertrail.
Logentries provides real-time POST notifications with HMAC authentication:
Enables you to match a regular expression, set a minimal number of matches per hour/day and set maximal number of alerts per hour/day.
The format is (in docs):
"alert": {
"name": "500 error" // Alert name
"host": {
"name": "Web", // Host name
"hostname": "" // Host DNS name
"log": {
"name": "access.log" // Log name
"event": Event, // Trigerring event
"context": [ // Events in context
Where Event is:
"t": 1346202355889, // Timestamp
"s": 40634540484, // Sequence
"m": "[26/Aug/2012:10:58:50 +0100] POST /api..." // Message