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How do I format a string with string interpolation in Scala as a fixed width string?

I'm interfacing with a really old system and the file I need to generate needs a field that is a formed from a string but needs to be exactly 15 in width.

I want something like this:

val companyName = "FooBar, Inc" // 11 chars

To return:

"    FooBar, Inc"

Is there a slick way to do what I'm trying to do with the String interpolation?


  • Use String.format with a format string. Surely something there will do what you want :-)

    This code would do what you want:

    scala> val companyName = "FooBar, Inc"
    companyName: String = FooBar, Inc
    scala> f"$companyName%15s"
    res0: String = "    FooBar, Inc"