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Cleaning up after a conflicted git merge?

I had a small conflict in a .h header file in a project I'm working on. This project is tracked in Git.

Fortunately, the conflict was very simple to solve. I used

git mergetool

And chose the default (opendiff) which seemed to be FileMerge on my Mac. I made the appropriate changes, saved the file, and closed.

Git then asked me if the merge was successful, I said yes:

Was the merge successful? [y/n] y

But now, I have:

> git st
# On branch develop
# Changes to be committed:
#   modified:   MyHeader.h
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#   MyHeader.h.BACKUP.52920.h
#   MyHeader.h.BASE.52920.h
#   MyHeader.h.LOCAL.52920.h
#   MyHeader.h.REMOTE.52920.h
#   MyHeader.h.orig

Which of those extra junk conflict files were created by FileMerge, and which by Git?

And more importantly: How do I remove them?


  • You can simply delete them like you would any other file. For example:

    rm MyHeader.h.orig

    Alternatively, if there are no other untracked files, then after you commit with

    git commit -a

    you may clean your repository with

    git clean -n
    git clean -f

    git clean -n will tell you what git clean -f will do, so you can be sure it's what you want.