Search code examples

SASS ignores variables, defined in if-statement

I have one file named style.scss with the following code:

@import 'variables';
body {
    color: $text-color;
    background: $background-color;

And one partial named _variables.scss:

$colorscheme: white;
@if $colorscheme == white {
    $text-color: #333;
    $background-color: #fff;
@else {
    $text-color: #ccc;
    $background-color: #333;

The if-statement works properly, but the variables defined inside, do not work. When I try to compile it, I keep getting:

Syntax error: Undefined variable: “$text-color”.


  • That's completely expected. Variables have a scope to them. If you define them inside of a control block (like an if statement), then they won't be available outside. So, what you need to do is initialize it outside like so:

    $text-color: null;
    $background-color: null;
    @if $colorscheme == white {
        $text-color: #333;
        $background-color: #fff;
    @else {
        $text-color: #ccc;
        $background-color: #333;


    $text-color: #ccc;
    $background-color: #333;
    @if $colorscheme == white {
        $text-color: #333;
        $background-color: #fff;

    Though it would be less verbose to use the if() function like this:

    $text-color: if($colorscheme == white, #333, #ccc);
    $background-color: if($colorscheme == white, #fff, #333);