I'm using git to versioning a collaborate project.
And I have two remotes. fork is a fork of an project, and origin is the original project.
So, could I when I send a push (git push fork master) automatically create a pull request available in origin to merge it?
I can't commit directly to origin (I know this is possible). I need push first to fork and if the admin aproves it, accept on origin. I would like automate this process, avoiding me to manually go to github and open a fork.
How could I do this?
Private Organization:
name: Org
repository: main
branch: master
Private Fork:
name: OrgFork (A organization of mine with forks from **Org**)
repository: main
branch: testing
I tried the following approach, but didn't worked yet:
curl -X POST -u <Username> -k -d '{"title": "<Title>","head": "Org:main","base": "testing"}' https://api.github.com/repos/Org/main/pulls
what is wrong? How can I fix this?
Edit 2
Another attempt:
hub pull-request "Testing" -b OrgFork:main:testing -h OrgFork:main:master
Finally success
The first problem is that I was using the key password and not my github password.
With this structure:
Private Organization:
name: Org
repository: main
branch: master
Private Fork:
name: OrgFork (A organization of mine with forks from **Org**)
repository: main
branch: testing
And the other problem is I was needing accept the corrects parameters, the final command looks like this one:
hub pull-request "Testing pull-request" -b Org:master -h OrgFork:testing
Thx for help @cjc343, @StevenPenny, @desert69 =)