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loaddup_pd/unpacklo_pd on Xeon Phi

If I have the following doubles in a 512-wide SIMD vector, as in a Xeon Phi register:

m0 = |b4|a4|b3|a3|b2|a2|b1|a1|

is it possible to make it into:

m0_d = |a4|a4|a3|a3|a2|a2|a1|a1| 

using a single instruction? Also since there are no bitwise intrinsics for doubles is this still a valid way to achieve the above?

m0_t = _mm512_swizzle_pd(m9,_MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);//m0_t->|a4|b4|a3|b3|a2|b2|a1|b1|
__m512d res = _mm512_mask_or_epi64(m0,k1,zero,m0_t);//k1 is 0xAA


  • Can be achieved as follows:

    m0_d = _mm512_mask_swizzle_pd(m0,0xAA,m0,_MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);

    It might seem that the swizzle operation is limited, but with the masked variant we can achieve other permutations too.