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Load the html head from an unloaded document with jquery / javascript

I'm re-writing a website for my father's driving school, changing the unnecessary iframes and images to html5 and css3 markup, and improving the functionality trough javascript and jquery.

Now, I have a full page for every menu-item (for the search crawlers), while the header and the menu mostly stay the same. That's why I want to use the history api and change the content and the document title and description when a link gets clicked on a device with javascript enabled, so there doesn't have to be a full page refresh.

What works: - getting the #content div of the target page and loading it into the current page - using the history api to show a new url and the popstate event to return to previous states - changing the content of the html head from the current document

What doesn't work: - getting the html head from the target document

There should be a simple function for this, right? Or a good way to do this?


  • Since it's on the same origin, you can do that. It's a bit awkward, though it's not a million miles off what jQuery does behind-the-scenes when you use its ajax load (I expect jQuery uses a document fragment rather than an iframe).

    Basically, you can create an off-page iframe, load the content page into there, and then extract whatever you need from it, something like this (completely unoptimized):

    // I'm assuming you have a variable containing the content URL; I'll use `page`
    var page = "/ocazuc/2";
    // Create the iframe, put it off-page, and put it in the DOM
    var iframe = $('<iframe>');
      position: "absolute",
      left: -10000
    // Hook the load event on it
    iframe.load(function() {
      // Get the document
      var $doc = $(iframe[0].contentDocument.documentElement);
      // Steal its content
      // And use its title or whatever else you want from the `head`
      document.title = $doc.find('title').text();
      // Done with it
    // Start loading it
    iframe[0].src = page;

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