Search code examples

Using NestedSortable with Ancestry gem and Mongoid

trying to incorporate nested sortable into my rails app. I'm using Mongoid and the Ancestry gem, and I'm trying to make a page that updates the parent_id of a category on drag and drop with Nested-Sortable.

Been trying to experiment, but don't really understand what NestedSortable spits out in order to create a controller that will read it.

My controller has:

def sort
  Category.update_all({parent_id: params[:parent_id].to_i})
  render nothing: true


resources :symbols, :as => :categories, :controller => :categories do
  collection {post :sort}

jQuery ->
    handle: '.handle'
    items: 'li'
    toleranceElement: '> div'
    update: ->
      $.post($(this).data('update-url'), $(this).nestedSortable('serialize'))

And my reorder view spits out something like:

<ol class=reorder-tree>
<li id="category_513d372b10188f9b6b000014"><div>
  <i class="icon-move handle"></i>
  <a href="/symbols/chickne">Chickne</a>
  <span class="btn-group show-on-hover">
    <a href="/symbols/new?parent_id=chickne" class="btn btn-micro" data-remote="true" title="Add Sub-Category"><i class="icon-plus"></i>
    <a href="/symbols/chickne/edit" class="btn btn-micro"><i class="icon-pencil"></i>
    <a href="/symbols/chickne" class="btn btn-micro" data-method="delete" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow" title="Delete Category"><i class="icon-remove"></i>
<ol class="visible"><li id="category_513d373310188f9b6b000016"><div>
  <i class="icon-move handle"></i>
  <a href="/symbols/smoking-babies">Smoking Babies</a>
  <span class="btn-group show-on-hover">
    <a href="/symbols/new?parent_id=smoking-babies" class="btn btn-micro" data-remote="true" title="Add Sub-Category"><i class="icon-plus"></i>
    <a href="/symbols/smoking-babies/edit" class="btn btn-micro"><i class="icon-pencil"></i>
    <a href="/symbols/smoking-babies" class="btn btn-micro" data-method="delete" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow" title="Delete Category"><i class="icon-remove"></i>
<ol class="hide"></ol>

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


  • After seriously playing around with the array I was getting from Nested Sortable, I was able to make this work by using this in my controller:

      def sort
        # html = "Env: #{Rails.env}. "
        # infor = params[:category]
        params[:category].each do |id, attr|
          thisCat = params[:category][id]
          @category = Category.where(:_id => id).first
          # html << "ID= #{id} , thisCat= #{thisCat} Name= #{} Parent= #{@category.parent_id} ; "
          unless thisCat == "null"
            @category.parent_id = thisCat.to_s
        # flash[:alert] = html
        # flash[:error] = infor
        # render nothing: true

    You can see what I commented out after I got it to work; that's all my debugging flash statements.
