I'm using IB to assign images to UIImageViews. I know that for retina images you need two images: the non-retina resolution .png and the @2x.png. I just assign the normal image in IB and when the device is retina it gets the @2x, everything OK.
But how about the iPhone 5 images? Is there some kind of suffix for IB to read and swap the image as well?
The short answer is no.
You can use:
#define IS_IPHONE5 (([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height-568)?NO:YES)
to check if the user is using iPhone 5 or not.
In some cases I use the iPhone 5 image as the @2x picture to avoid the check above. The iPhone 5 user will get a full resolution picture and the iPhone 4 user will get the same picture but with an hidden lower part.