I am using a stepper to control the font size of a text view, but there is no action being fired until I press the stepper twice. Why is this happening?
The following code is for the `mystepper' IBAction:
- (IBAction) changeFontSize:(id)sender
[myStepper setMinimumValue:14.0]
self.myStepper.maximumValue =20.0;
UIFont newSize = [myTextView fontWithSize:self.stepper.value];
self.myTextView.font = newSize;
I find the problem is that i need set the current value of stepper equals to minimumvalue. However, I want the value of size can pass through in muiltple scences so that the fontSize doesn't need to be press overtime. How can i get it???
In viewDidLoad:
[myStepper setMinimumValue:14.0]
[myStepper setMaximumValue:20.0]
UIFont newSize = [myTextView fontWithSize:self.stepper.value]; // provide some default value to myStepper
self.myTextView.font = newSize;
// assign one method to stepper - value changed event
- (IBAction)stepperValueChanged:(id)sender
double stepperValue = ourStepper.value;
[self.myTextView setFont:[self.myTextView.font fontWithSize:stepperValue]];
This is the core logic, but there might be minor changes reuqire, to satisfy your requirement.
Hope this will help you.