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Unable to create new branch in P4 using integrate

I've a branch in P4 at


& under My_Service, my entire source code is present.

Now, When I'm trying to create a new branch from the above trunk branch, it is giving me error:

I'm trying to create a new release branch as shown below:


So, I issued below command after adding it in my client specs:

p4 integrate //depot/MyDemoInfo/trunk/Server/My_Service/... //depot/MyDemoInfo/1.0/Server/My_Service/...

It gives below errors:

//depot/MyDemoInfo/1.0/Server/My_Service//abc.txt - can't integrate from //depot/MyDemoInfo/trunk/Server/My_Service/abc.txt#1 (moved from //depot/MyDemoInfo/trunk/Server/My_Service/abc.txt; provide a branch view that maps this file, or use -Di to disregard move/deletes)

For all files in my trunk branch, it is giving same above error. Can some one help me what is wrong going on here??



  • When running a p4 integrate, the destination for the integration should be mapped in your perforce client workspace which is what this error indicates:

    provide a branch view that maps this file, or use -Di to disregard move/deletes

    Using p4 client or p4v, map the following perforce depot //depot/MyDemoInfo/1.0/Server/My_Service into your client workspace to some directory on your machine say: /myp4workspace/MyDemoInfo/1.0/Server/My_Service

    Then do this:

    cd /myp4workspace/MyDemoInfo/1.0/Server/My_Service
    p4 integrate //depot/MyDemoInfo/trunk/Server/My_Service/... ...
    # This is optional, but a regular workflow to make sure you resolve all the conflicts
    # Display any conflicts (there shouldn't be any since this is the first time you're integrating into this location)
    p4 resolve -n ... 
    # If there are any, use p4 resolve -as ... , p4 resolve -am ... , and then p4 resolve ...
    # Submit your changes after verifying it is correct
    p4 submit ...

    And one more thing you might want to take care of is, run p4 integrate with the -t -d option so that it preserves file-types, and brings in any deleted file changes (although these 2 options might not be really required in your case but nothing wrong in specifying them).

    Also you can run p4 where to confirm that you're in the right perforce depot location before doing any integrations.