What is a reliable way to check whether a Facebook Page is published or unpublished using the graph API? I currently do this:
and check if the return value is "false". If it's false, I conclude that it's unpublished and if it returns a graph object, then conclude that it's published. But I'm noticing now that a lot of published pages return "false" from the above request.
Here's an example:
this page is published: http://www.facebook.com/AjiRestaurant
but these requests return false: http://graph.facebook.com/104433516257517 (using page Id) http://graph.facebook.com/AjiRestaurant (using page username)
What is the best way to check whether a Page is published?
Punch this in under FQL query on http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer
SELECT page_id, name, username, is_published
FROM page
WHERE page_id IN
(SELECT page_id FROM page_admin WHERE uid = me())
AND is_published=""
ORDER BY fan_count DESC
That will select all pages in your account and check if they are published, returning all unpublished pages in a list.