Do JSP lifecycle methods run when using JSF tags in JSP pages? If so, what is the sequence?
Do JSP lifecycle methods run when using facelets?
There's a very clarifying article on the subject in IBM's DeveloperWorks. On the subjetc of using JSP's in JSF applications it says the following:
The body of the JSP becomes the equivalent of a servlet's doGet() and doPost() methods (that is, it becomes the jspService() method). The JSF custom tags (such as f:view and h:form) are just calls to the JSF components to render themselves in their current state. The life cycle of the JSF component model is independent from the life cycle of the JSP-produced servlet.
So, the answer to your first question is yes; JSP pages follow their own lifecycle and JSF Components follow their own. On Facelets, you can also find this:
Unlike JSP, Facelets is a templating language built from the ground up with the JSF component life cycle in mind. With Facelets, you produce templates that build a component tree, not a servlet.
With that, there's no need of using JSP's with JSF if you're already using Facelets. So the answer to your second question would be no, as there are no JSP pages at all.