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Moon-APNS Message with Accent

I'm using this code to send Apple Push Notifications to iPhone:

Public Function SendPush() As String
    Dim rt As String = "Sended!"
    Dim deviceToken As String = "my token"
    Dim message As String = "Parabéns é Campeão!"

        Dim payLoad As New NotificationPayload(deviceToken, message, 1, "default")
        payLoad.AddCustom("RegionID", "IDQ10150")
        ' 51 is the badge no
        Dim notificationList = New List(Of NotificationPayload)() From { _
         payload _

        Dim push = New PushNotification(True, "apn_developer_identity.p12", "password")
        Dim result = push.SendToApple(notificationList)
    Catch ex As Exception
        rt = "Error!"
    End Try

    Return rt

End Function

But in my iPhone don't receive accents. I received this: Parab?ns ? Campe?o!

someone ideas about what happens?


Solved it!

I have change into library Moon-APNS in class PushNotification.cs:

// String length
byte[] apnMessageLength = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int16)Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(apnMessage).Length);

// Write the message
memoryStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(apnMessage), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(apnMessage).Length);

recompile and use into your project. Now accepts latin characters.


  • You should encode your payload to UTF-8.