The Symbolism library overloads arithmetic operators. Although it's written in C# I can use it from F#:
open Symbolism
let x = new Symbol("x")
let y = new Symbol("y")
let z = new Symbol("z")
printfn "%A" (2*x + 3 + 4*x + 5*y + z + 8*y)
the output:
3 + 6 * x + 13 * y + z
However, it also overloads ^
for powers. This of course doesn't play well with F#.
As a step towards a workaround, I exported a method group for powers:
printfn "%A" (Aux.Pow(x, 2) * x)
x ^ 3
How can I overload **
to use the Aux.Pow
method group instead?
I can do something like this:
let ( ** ) (a: MathObject) (b: MathObject) = Aux.Pow(a, b)
And that does work for MathObject
> x ** y * x;;
val it : MathObject = x ^ (1 + y)
But Aux.Pow
is overloaded for int
as well:
public static MathObject Pow(MathObject a, MathObject b)
{ return new Power(a, b).Simplify(); }
public static MathObject Pow(MathObject a, int b)
{ return a ^ new Integer(b); }
public static MathObject Pow(int a, MathObject b)
{ return new Integer(a) ^ b; }
Any suggestions welcome!
You can use the trick described here like this:
open Symbolism
type MathObjectOverloads =
| MathObjectOverloads
static member (?<-) (MathObjectOverloads, a: #MathObject, b: int) = MathObject.op_ExclusiveOr(a, b)
static member (?<-) (MathObjectOverloads, a: #MathObject, b: #MathObject) = MathObject.op_ExclusiveOr(a, b)
static member (?<-) (MathObjectOverloads, a: System.Int32, b: #MathObject) = MathObject.op_ExclusiveOr(a, b)
let inline ( ** ) a b = (?<-) MathObjectOverloads a b
let two = Integer(2)
let three = Integer(3)
two ** three
two ** 3
2 ** three
Unlike in the linked answer, we have to use the (?<-) operator because it's the only operator that can take 3 arguments instead of 2, and we need to overload on both the left and right side of the ^ operator