Search code examples

rank over shredded xml

Given the following sample of XML and the select statement that shreds the xml into a relation, what I need is the second column of the select to be the ordinal of the category (ie 1 for the directions and 2 for the colours in this case).

Note: The literal value 'rank()' in the select is left a placeholder. I was poking around with using the rank, but with no success.

declare @x xml
set @x = '
            <item value="north"/>
            <item value="south"/>
            <item value="east"/>
            <item value="west"/>
            <item value="red"/>
            <item value="green"/>
            <item value="blue"/>

select c.value('./@value', 'varchar(10)') as "ItemValue", 
       'rank()' as "CategoryNumber"
from @x.nodes('//item') as t(c)


  • Jacob Sebastian also has an interesting solution presented in his blog post:

    XQuery Lab 23 - Retrieving values and position of elements

    With Jacob's suggestion, I can rewrite your query to be:

        x.value('@value','VARCHAR(10)') AS 'ItemValue',        
        p.number as 'CategoryNumber'
        master..spt_values p
        @x.nodes('/root/category[position()=sql:column("number")]/item') n(x) 
        p.type = 'p'

    and I get the desired output:

    ItemValue   CategoryNumber
    ---------   --------------
    north           1
    south           1
    east            1
    west            1
    red             2
    green           2
    blue            2

    Unfortunately, none of the more obvious solutions like the position() or fn:id() functions seem to a) work in SQL Server or b) be supported in SQL Server at all :-(

    Hope this helps
