from server I get either an A or a B or a G for type
What I want it to show is a drop down of a text Gamma if it is G and Alpha if it is A and Beta if it is B. Also that item to be selected ... Not sure how to do this.
Here is what I get from my back end.. an observable array of
self.AllValues = ko.observableArray([{"ID":1,"Type":"A" .... }]);
I have something like below the type is A B OR G ...
<td class="label">Drop-down list:</td>
<td><select data-bind="options: optionValues, value: selectedOptionValue"></select>
You have a couple of choices here. You can either process the data that you get back from the server, and add a property containing the full text name to each object, and then bind your array to the select, using this new property for the text of the select, or else you can use Custom Binding to create the select element and all the options in it, substituting the full text that you want in each option.
I'd say that the first option would be the nicest one to implement.